Georgia Gun Owners’ Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) has been filed in Atlanta by State Representative Philip Singleton!
Known as House Bill 597, our SAPA legislation will shut down Joe Biden’s gun control agenda here in Georgia by requiring Georgia’s peace officers to ONLY enforce Georgia law where firearms, ammunition, and accessories are concerned!
In other words, a federal AR-15 ban would fall flat on its face here in Georgia.
So would a national gun registry, a ban on magazines that hold over ten rounds of ammo, mental health tests for gun owners and anything else that the radical left tries to pass into law in D.C.!
This is how we hold the line against federal gun control and safeguard our freedoms here in Georgia for the next generation! But it’s not going to happen if House leaders block H.B. 597.
So please take a moment and send the PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL that we have prepared for you, to your State Representative, insisting that he support the Second Amendment Preservation Act!
Tell Your State Rep. to Support SAPA Law!
The good news is that unlike other versions of this legislation that have been around in the past, GGO’s SAPA legislation has real TEETH!
So if a state, county or municipal agency violates your gun rights by enforcing a federal gun control law — in violation of Georgia’s SAPA law — you could take that agency right into civil court for immediate relief and damages!
This is how we hold the line against federal gun control and safeguard our freedoms here in Georgia for the next generation! But it’s not going to happen if the House doesn’t pass H.B. 597.
That’s why it’s urgent that you send the PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL that we have prepared for you to right away, telling your State Representative to publicly champion and vote for SAPA legislation!
Help GGO Pass SAPA Law!
The Second Amendment Preservation Act is moving in ‘red states’ all over the country. In fact, this identical bill just passed through the Missouri House thanks to the work of our sister organization, the Missouri Firearms Coalition.
And SAPA is also moving the Wyoming, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and over a dozen other states!
So there’s no reason why the Georgia legislature can’t pass H.B. 597 here in Georgia. But it’s not going to happen without your help!
So please send your PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL, urging your State Representative to ensure H.B. 597 gets a vote in the House.
When you’re finished, please help us out in two additional ways.
First, please forward this email to EVERY gun owner that you know here in Georgia and urge them to send their emails, too.
Second, please make a donation to help Georgia Gun Owners get the word out about this legislation and mobilize a grassroots army of support for it!
We can do this; we can stop Joe Biden’s war on gun owners and defend our gun rights, but we need the Georgia House to take action — so please send your email today!
For Georgia,
Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners
P.S. GGO’s Second Amendment Preservation Act has been filed in the Georgia House by State Representative Philip Singleton! Now we need to crank up grassroots pressure for SAPA legislation!
When you’re done, please forward this email to every gun owner you know in Georgia and ask them to send an email to their State Representative, too.