GA Must Watch: HB-842 Would Gut Stand-Your-Ground Law!

GA Must Watch: HB-842 Would Gut Stand-Your-Ground Law!

The situation on the ground in Atlanta is getting worse, fast. Sensing the weakness in the Republican caucus, the Radical Left feels emboldened and are filing gun control bills every other day — bills that are designed to crush our gun rights. The most dangerous...
Video: Four Warning Shots and He Kept Coming!

Video: Four Warning Shots and He Kept Coming!

Thanks to the policies of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and the Radical Left, Minnesota has gone from being a wonderful state to live in, to a state racked with violent crime. Minneapolis, in particular, is all but unrecognizable. In this video you’ll see one...
Must Read: Details on H.R. 3422!

Must Read: Details on H.R. 3422!

Court-packing. It might sound about as exciting as watching the House Budget Committee meet on C-SPAN on a Friday night, but I assure you, court packing is something you need to be paying attention to. As we told you recently, with the Supreme Court systematically...
🚨🚨 Trying to Overturn Georgia’s Stand-Your-Ground Law!

🚨🚨 Trying to Overturn Georgia’s Stand-Your-Ground Law!

If you had asked me a few years ago which law the Left hates most in the gun rights debate, I would have said Constitutional Carry. After all, this is the law that allows us to carry firearms without needing to first obtain government permission. And it denies the...
Top Three Threats We Are Facing in Congress…

Top Three Threats We Are Facing in Congress…

The last few weeks have been intense. Our Tyrant-in-Chief is demanding that we agree to surrender the firearms that have kept America free for generations. And his allies in Congress are sponsoring new gun control bills daily. There is a lot of noise, and it can be...
Dangerous: Gov. Newsom Reveals Plans for 28th Amendment!

Dangerous: Gov. Newsom Reveals Plans for 28th Amendment!

If there is one good thing that has come out of the Radical Left’s war against our gun rights over the last five years, it’s that the gloves are all the way off. Whether it’s Biden or tyrants in our own state capitol, everyone now knows that their goal is to...