Victory! GGO Members Stop HB 541

Victory! GGO Members Stop HB 541

Long days, late nights, and LOTS of grassroots activism. That’s what it took to STOP House Bill 541 at the Capitol in Atlanta today! Thanks to the pressure applied by your calls and emails, House Bill 541 was pulled back in Alan Powell’s Public Safety...
Georgia Dems Introduce Gun Control Bill

Georgia Dems Introduce Gun Control Bill

The Second Amendment political wars have arrived here in Georgia. Just yesterday, Georgia Democrats led by anti-gun witch Mary Margaret Oliver introduced HB 970, one of the most draconian gun control bills we’ve seen in many years. HB 970 would BAN Georgians...
They’re Power Hungry In 2018

They’re Power Hungry In 2018

“Democratic hopefuls for Georgia governor seek new gun restrictions” — Atlanta Journal-Constitution   This headline appeared in the AJC recently, where two Democrats for Governor in Georgia spewed gun control talking points like they were...
Gun confiscation bill introduced in Georgia

Gun confiscation bill introduced in Georgia

Anti-gun witch Mary Margaret Oliver knew you wouldn’t be paying attention during the Thanksgiving holiday. That’s why she pre-filed her so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” bill (H.B. 10) the day before Thanksgiving! Hoping she could do so without a...