Confidential 2A Results

Confidential 2A Results

On Monday of next week, the GGO Executive Team will gather to review the results of our statewide Confidential Gun Owner Survey. I’m personally inviting you to take a few moments right now to fill out this confidential survey I’ve prepared for you below. Here at GGO,...
You Need to Call These 2 Numbers ASAP!

You Need to Call These 2 Numbers ASAP!

Aaron asked me to get this email out to you right away this morning. Since our email blast yesterday, many of you have been emailing, calling, and texting, asking how you can get in touch with Chuck Efstration and Speaker Burns. Here’s their contact information. House...
GA Must Watch: HB-842 Would Gut Stand-Your-Ground Law!

GA Must Watch: HB-842 Would Gut Stand-Your-Ground Law!

The situation on the ground in Atlanta is getting worse, fast. Sensing the weakness in the Republican caucus, the Radical Left feels emboldened and are filing gun control bills every other day — bills that are designed to crush our gun rights. The most dangerous...
DANGER: Legislation Filed to Repeal Stand-Your-Ground in ATL!

DANGER: Legislation Filed to Repeal Stand-Your-Ground in ATL!

Things are going from bad to worse here in Atlanta. On the opening day of session, State Representative Michelle Au shocked everyone when she announced that Georgia Carry had agreed to support her latest gun control bill!  Rep. Au, for those who don’t know, is a...
🤯🤯 Co-Sponsors Growing Fast for Gun Control Mega Bill!

🤯🤯 Co-Sponsors Growing Fast for Gun Control Mega Bill!

Right before Christmas, I warned you about a massive new gun control bill filed in both chambers of Congress. Called the ‘Gun Control Mega Bill’ by insiders in D.C., this is perhaps the biggest gun control bill ever filed in Congress. The lead sponsor of S. 3407 in...