Video: Stacey Abram’s Top Five List!

Liberal policies have destroyed downtown Atlanta.

From attacking the police to working to eliminate cash bail to expanding deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’, the city of Atlanta has followed the Radical Left’s agenda…right over the cliff.

That’s why no one wants to go to downtown Atlanta anymore for anything. It’s filthy, and it’s dangerous. And it’s the Left’s fault for helping to make it that way.

So when Socialist Stacey Abrams came out with a ‘Top Five’ list of things she would do to stem the violent crime problem that has consumed Atlanta — a list full of gun control — we laughed.

Abrams’ plan is predictable and stupid, and totally wrong.

To hear all about Stacey Abrams’s plan to attack law-abiding gun owners…as well as a Top Five list from GGO on how to actually deal with violent crime...check out this video report below

The fact is, liberal elites like Stacey Abrams hate the Second Amendment and the proud gun owners (voters) who fight to protect it because they want to turn this nation into a dictatorship where only the government has guns! And we all know why.

The members of Georgia Gun Owners have planted our feet right in the middle of that path, and we’re fighting like hell to defeat these socialists and to expand our gun rights even more!

If you’re not already a member of Georgia Gun Owners, there’s never been a better day for you to join our fight for freedom.


If you’re already a member, please consider making a donation so that Georgia Gun Owners can continue exposing gun grabbers like Stacey Abrams right up until election day!


Whatever you do, please make sure you share this video report with every gun owner you know in the state so that everyone understands the hatred today’s Democrats have for gun owners like you and me.

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners