It’s all hands-on deck, and this is a Georgia Gun Owners Urgent ALERT!
As you’ll see in the email below from our friends at the American Firearms Association, Cocaine Mitch McConnell is waving the white flag of surrender on gun-control, and we need to STOP HIM.
Here is the truth: Chuck Schumer and the Democrats in DC only need a handful of RINO’s to jump over and join their gun-control bandwagon, and we could very easily see Universal Gun Registration, Federal Red Flag laws or a Federal BAN on AR15’s.
Georgia Gun Owners is immediately executing our mobilization operations statewide to get our army of gun owners engaged in this fight with us.
We’ve defeated massive gun-control bills in Congress before, and by heavens, we’re sure as heck going to fight like hell to block this again — so please donate whatever amount you can afford after you have sent your email.
It’s time to FIGHT!
— Aaron
BREAKING: Republican US Senator Mitch McConnell, the GOP Senate Minority Leader, just told CNN that he gave Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) the green light to work with Democrat Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) on a bipartisan gun-control bill after the Texas murders!
This is an American Firearms Association RED ALERT, and I’m asking you to take immediate action.
We have already written the emails for you, all you have to do is quickly fill in your address, press submit, and you’re done.
To be crystal clear, Congressional Republicans have no right to negotiate with the Radical Left on this issue. None.
The reason why is simple: Republicans don’t have the brains or commitment to hold the line. If they begin to ‘negotiate,’ the Democrats will win, gun owners will lose, and America will get screwed.
Our Second Amendment is the only freedom standing between a total communist takeover of America, and there is no possible or plausible reason whatsoever for the corrupt establishment in DC to take up a gun bill right before the 2022 midterm elections.
#2) Share this email with your friends so that they can take action.
Many hands make light work.
And if you’re an American, if you love freedom and you love our 2nd Amendment, we have a mountain of work to do right now if we are going to block whatever gun-control bills they come up with.
#3) Donate.
I don’t know what you can afford, but I’m asking you to be generous.
Gas is expensive, food is expensive, housing is expensive, and our economy is on the ropes because of the same losers in DC right now that are talking about passing a “bipartisan gun-control bill.”
We’ll have more later.
Stand up and FIGHT!
Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association