Democrat to Georgians, “It’s time for the stick…”

This is an exact quote from Savannah’s Democrat Mayor Van Johnson as he was speaking to the press about passing his gun control ordinance last week:

Van Johnson isn’t waiting for the Radical Left to siphon off a few more RINO votes to pass gun control in Atlanta.

Van Johnson is going to pass a city ordinance to punish the VICTIMS of a crime, rather than the PERPETRATORS.

This is as ridiculous as it is dangerous, and it has MASSIVE implications for everyone in Georgia.

Just recently I broke down in detail what the proposed ordinance is and why the Radical Left is doing this, and how they hope to spread gun control across the state.

You can watch the video here. 

Now that you see how urgent this is, I hope you’ll contact Van Johnson and tell him to stop this madness!

It doesn’t matter if you live in Savannah or not. If Van Johnson can get away with this, every Radical mayor across Georgia will follow suit. So whether you live in Rome, Albany, Valdosta or Jefferson, we have a vested interest in shutting this down.

Call Van Johnson at: 912-651-6444

Leave a comment on his Facebook page.

If you don’t have time to call him — or if you want to double your impact — fire off your PRE-WRITTEN email to Van Johnson and the entire City Council, telling them to stop this gun grab.

But Van Johnson isn’t the only one who will vote on this. That’s why it’s important that you also call all of the City Alderman too.

Kesha Gibson-Carter: 912-346-4356

Alicia Miller Blakely: 912-346-5220

Bernetta Lanier: 912-346-6406

Detric Leggett: 912-346-8176

Linda Wilder-Bryan: 912-704-2079

Nick Palumbo: 912-346-9841

Estella Shabazz: 912-675-7531

Kurtis Purtee: 912-346-3305

The Radical Left and their Fake News allies are not relenting. They are ramping up their PR campaign in preparation for the legislative session kicking off in just a few short months, hoping to use this momentum to pass even worse gun control.

That’s why I must ask if you’ll consider chipping in $5, $10 $25 or even $50 to help us keep up the heat!

If GGO Nation doesn’t answer this attack in kind, there’s no telling where this will end.

Trusting the courts to be the front-line arbiters of justice to sort this out is too risky. We see just how corrupt the two-tiered justice system is right now in our own state.

We must fight back and crush this!

For Freedom,

Alex Dorr
Political Director
Georgia Gun Owners