Georgians: Make Two Phone Calls for Constitutional Carry!

Next Thursday is the final day of the legislative session and Speaker of the House David Ralston seems more determined than ever to kill Constitutional Carry!

When the legislature wants to move something fast, they do it. We saw that last week when they removed their $0.29 cent p/gallon gas tax, to lower the price of gas here in Georgia.

That bill went from introduction, through both chambers, onto Brian Kemp’s desk and into law in just days!

So why is it taking almost the entire legislative session, from January 10th until now, to get the most important bill for law-abiding Georgians through to Kemp’s desk?

To answer that question, and explain WHY Speaker of the House David Ralston is doing all he can to slow roll Constitutional Carry (SB-319,) we’ve produced this brief video report.

As you just saw, Ralston doesn’t want to work for Georgians, he wants to work for Ralston. Everything he does is a calculated move to tighten his grip and choke out freedom here in Georgia.

But Ralston has one problem: the members of Georgia Gun Owners!

Unlike Georgia Carry and the NRA who protect and defend Ralston out of fear that ‘he may say something mean about us,’ the members of Georgia Gun Owners are the nastiest political fighting force in the state — and it’s time to remind Ralston.

Time is running out! We only have six legislative days left to finish this fight and pass Constitutional Carry. So please contact Ralston immediately, and demand that he moves SB-319 through the House Public Safety Committee NOW!

<<< Call Speaker Ralston’s office at 404-656-5020! >>>
 <<< Call Public Safety Chairman J Collins at 404-657-1803! >>>

Please call these office numbers EVERY DAY until we tell you that Ralston and Collins have moved the bill! And please share this information with your family, friends, hunting buddies, co-workers, etc.

We need to pour on the pressure NOW and we need to keep it up until this fight is finally done!

Tell Ralston and Collins to move SB-319 with NO AMENDMENTS out of the Public Safety Committee so it can go to the House Floor for its final vote! Call NOW!

And please consider an immediate donation to help Georgia Gun Owners continue to lead the fight for Constitutional Carry!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners

P.S. Speaker David Ralston is slow-rolling SB-319 in the House Public Safety Committee, and Chairman J Collins is helping him do it!

Contact Ralston and Collins right away using the numbers provided above, and demand they move Senate Bill 319 through Public Safety and onto the floor for a vote!

And when you’re done, please make an immediate donation to help Georgia Gun Owners keep hammering away on the legislature with our texting, email, and social media programs!