Constitutional Carry Vote in Two Days – Take Action!

The State Senate will be voting on GGO’s Constitutional Carry legislation on Monday morning; that’s not even two days away!

And exactly as we predicted, Michael Bloomberg’s forces are working around the clock using texts and digital ads, trying to flip RINOs in the State Senate to vote against Constitutional Carry.

We are so close to passing Constitutional Carry through the Senate — and with Brian Kemp desperately trying to buy back the respect of gun owners before his upcoming primary — we are closer than ever to making Georgia the 22nd Constitutional Carry state!

But we can’t take anything for granted, not after what we went through forcing the Rules Committee to move this bill. So please send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Senator immediately!


Remember, the RINOs in Atlanta aren’t moving this bill through committees because they want to. And Brian Kemp isn’t jumping up and down to sign Constitutional Carry because he wants to.

If they did, Georgia would have passed Constitutional Carry years ago. No, this is happening because GGO members are DEMANDING action on this bill and with elections right around the corner, the politicians are feeling the heat!

Don’t let up! Pour it on them!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners

P.S. The Georgia State Senate will be voting on Constitutional Carry on Monday morning, and Bloomberg’s forces are desperately trying to flip RINOs in Atlanta into opposing the bill!

Email your State Senator right away using our automated system and make sure he knows that you expect him to do his job and support this legislation on the floor on Monday!


Then share this email with every single gun owner you can think of here in Georgia and make sure they send their emails as well. This is going to happen fast; help us pour on the pressure!