Constitutional Carry Resolution Passes

Dear Georgia Gun Owners,

I want to extend a HUGE thanks to the scores of Georgia Gun Owners members who mobilized this weekend at the Cobb County GOP Convention.

Not only did they help vote out the establishment Chairwoman of the party, they passed unanimously a resolution urging the General Assembly to pass Constitutional Carry legislation for Georgia.

This is the largest GOP county convention in the state!

Since the passage of this resolution, we’ve been bombarded with requests for a physical copy.

Because most county conventions are this weekend, Saturday the 18th, GGO members in other counties want to pass this resolution where they live.

If you are attending your county convention next weekend and would like to pass the resolution, please click on the link or picture below:

Click this link to print the resolution:

We know scores of GGO members and supporters will be attending county conventions this weekend . . .

Please keep us updated on any developments at your convention.

Thanks for what you do to fight for our Second Amendment rights!

For freedom,

Patrick Parsons
Executive Director

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To find out more about Georgia Gun Owners, please check out our website:
