Constitutional Carry Hearing Today – TAKE ACTION!

There’s a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2021 (S. 319) TODAY at 4:00 PM in Room 307 of the CLOB.

Thanks to your tireless grassroots activism – calls, emails and petitions – State Senator Jason Anavitarte’s S. 319 has more than 30 cosponsors, enough votes to pass the Georgia State Senate.

But first we need to get this bill through the committee WITHOUT any dangerous amendments that could water down Constitutional Carry.

Please TAKE ACTION right now by first making a call then sending an email to the following Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Make sure they know you’re a member of Georgia Gun Owners and you want them to pass S. 319 through the committee “as-is” without amendments.

State Senator Brian Strickland
Call: 404-463-6598
Email: [email protected]

State Senator Bill Cowsert
Call: 404-463-1366
Email: [email protected]

State Senator John Kennedy
Call: 404-656-0045
Email: [email protected]

State Senator Bo Hatchett
Call: 404-656-7454
Email:  [email protected]

State Senator Kay Kirkpatrick
Call: 404-656-3932
Email: [email protected]

State Senator Blake Tillery
Call: 404-656-5038
Email: [email protected]

State Senator Ben Watson
Call: 404-656-7880
Email: [email protected]

After you’ve made your calls and sent your emails, please consider making a generous contribution of $100, $50, $25, or whatever you can afford to help Georgia Gun Owners KEEP UP THE HEAT, FINISH THIS FIGHT and make Georgia the 21st Constitutional Carry state!


We’ll be sure to keep you updated on the results of this committee hearing as well as all the latest developments from the Capitol in Atlanta!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners