Stop the Left’s Mandated Gun Lockups!

Stop the Left’s Mandated Gun Lockups!

The Democrats are using the tragedy at Apalachee High to push deadly mandated gun lock ups here in Georgia. And now Georgia House Speaker Jon Burns is shilling for the Democrats by openly endorsing working with the Left to pass a form of this legislation! Never mind...
Stop the Left’s Mandated Gun Lockups!

Stop the Left’s Mandated Gun Lockups!

The Democrats are using the tragedy at Apalachee High to push deadly mandated gun lock ups here in Georgia. And now Georgia House Speaker Jon Burns is shilling for the Democrats by openly endorsing working with the Left to pass a form of this legislation! Never mind...
Don’t You Dare Attack My Gun Rights!

Don’t You Dare Attack My Gun Rights!

Whereas: The Fake News, RINO’s and the gun-grabbing Democrats in Atlanta are using the murder of four Georgians to advance a radical gun control agenda, even though none of the proposed measures would have stopped the Apalachee shooting; and Whereas: ‘Red Flag Gun...
Don’t Let Democrats DESTROY the Supreme Court!

Don’t Let Democrats DESTROY the Supreme Court!

Joe Biden’s corrupt administration just announced a SCOTUS “Court Reform” package that has absolutely nothing to do with court reform. What it DOES do is gives the Marxists the ability to REMOVE conservative justices like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, and then...


Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and the entire DC swamp want blood before November, and their agenda is passing the BRAND NEW “Assault Weapons” ban bill (HR8600/S3369), recently introduced by Congresswoman Lucy McBath, to OUTLAW the AR-15 and hundreds of other firearms! But...