Must Watch Video Update on Constitutional Carry!

It’s been a very busy week here in Atlanta in our fight to pass Constitutional Carry and more Senators have co-sponsored the bill, we passed the Judiciary Committee, and more!

This is all due to your constant pressure on the legislature. Everyone we talk to in Atlanta refers to ‘all the calls and emails I’m getting from GGO members.’ Keep it up!

For the very latest on the Rules Committee vote and the actual floor fight over this legislation and to learn how you can help us most effectively, please watch this short video update that we have prepared for you!

As you just heard, we are making real progress on Constitutional Carry. But because we are, the media and Michael Bloomberg’s front groups are doing everything they can to stop us!

That’s why I hope you’ll send two automated emails today, to help us continue advancing this legislation.

First, email the Rules Committee members (again) and urge them to pass this legislation through their committee with no weakening amendments!


Second, email your State Senator and urge him/her to support this legislation when it comes to the floor. This could happen fast, so we need to start talking to the full Senate now!


RINOs in our legislature have held up Constitutional Carry — with support from Georgia Carry — for years. In that time, dozens of other ‘red states’ have fought for gun owners and enacted this critical legislation! 

We are closer than ever before to finishing this fight here in Georgia, but we’re a long way from the finish line.

Please send your two emails right away using the links provided above. And when you’re finished, please donate to Georgia Gun Owners so we have the ammo we need to maintain this fight for freedom!

For Georgia,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners

P.S. As Georgia Gun Owners members continue to demand action on Constitutional Carry, we’re making real progress in Atlanta. But because we are, the leftist media trolls and Michael Bloomberg are ratcheting up the pressure against this bill, too!

Please send two automated emails today! One goes to the Rules Committee, and one goes to your State Senator, urging them to move SB-319 through committee and the Senate with no weakening amendments!


And after you have sent your emails, please make an immediate donation of $100, $75, $50, $25 or even just $10 to make sure that Georgia Gun Owners can keep the pressure on the legislature!