Georgia’s MTG Obliterates Her Opponents!

While RINO members of Congress, the media, and the radical left were all hoping that Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene would lose her re-election tonight, Georgians had other plans.

Moments ago, the 14th Congressional District race (if you want to even call it a race) was called and gun owners re-elected MTG by a massive margin — it was an epic blowout!

Liberal PACs tried to unseat MTG.

The media, here in Georgia and nationwide, tried to unseat MTG.

And so did backstabbing Republicans in the US Senate.

But they all failed because Georgians know that to save our gun rights from this administration, we need fighters, not the standard-issue RINOs that cower in fear all the time.

During her first eighteen months in Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene has done nothing but fight for gun owners!

She’s the lead sponsor on four major pieces of gun rights legislation, has whipped support for other pro-gun bills, and she signed her GGO candidate survey 100% pro-gun this cycle.

Her opponents?

They haven’t done a damn thing for gun owners and refused to fill out their surveys, clearly planning to betray gun owners once they were safely in office.

GGO worked hard to educate gun owners in this district using a combination of targeted email, social media efforts, our texting program, and our infamous ‘WhiteBoard Videos’ — which were seen by over 50,000 gun owners!

(GGO’s Aaron Dorr celebrating with Marjorie Taylor Greene. MTG has fought for gun owners relentlessly since arriving in D.C.)

Lots of organizations like to throw out a sham endorsement meme when they know a candidate is likely to win. Pathetic.

Georgia Gun Owners takes our job of educating gun owners and exposing anti-gun RINOs very seriously, and we’re proud to have reached so many gun owners in this district.

But this was only possible because of the support of GGO members like you. Every text we sent, every boost we ran on our videos, every email we sent was paid for by a member of GGO nation.

On behalf of the board, thank you for your generosity.

But with the primary behind us, the General Election is coming fast. And GGO needs to recapitalize, fast, to expose Socialist Stacey Abrams and anti-gun legislative candidates, too.

Help us hold the line this fall — please make a generous donation right away!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners