DANGER: Legislation Filed to Repeal Stand-Your-Ground in ATL!

Things are going from bad to worse here in Atlanta.

On the opening day of session, State Representative Michelle Au shocked everyone when she announced that Georgia Carry had agreed to support her latest gun control bill! 

Rep. Au, for those who don’t know, is a regular guest in the White House, working directly with Kamala Harris to push for gun control in State Legislature’s all over the country.

(Rep. Au (at left) is a regular guest of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, working on gun control!)

Her latest bill is an obvious trap.

It gives gun owners a state-funded tax incentive to buy a gun safe…but they require your address, name, and proof of sale.

This will give the state a list of every gun owner in Georgia!

For Georgia Carry to endorse this, allowing Rep. Au to trumpet their support, is an act of total betrayal.

But that’s not the worst part.

With the momentum of Georgia Carry’s endorsement, Rep. Au and the rest of the gun control crowd in Atlanta are going ‘all in’ on gun control — which is why they just filed legislation to REPEAL Georgia’s beloved Stand-Your-Ground law!

If we ever lose Stand-Your-Ground law here in Georgia, it would be an unmitigated disaster!

That’s why I hope you’ll immediately sign the emergency petition that our team has prepared for you opposing HB-842.

This bill is huge, but at a minimum, it would:

  • Repeal Georgia’s Stand-Your-Ground Law; which would allow liberal prosecutors like Fani Willis to prosecute gun owners for the ‘crime’ of self-defense. This would lead to countless gun owners’ lives being destroyed through the ‘lawfare’ tactics of the Left that dominate our society these days.
  • Require Georgians to Retreat from a Violent Attacker; the last thing you should do when being confronted by a violent criminal is turn your back on them! This section of the bill will get Georgians killed. Either because you fled from a criminal and were attacked, or because you hesitated when you should have drawn a handgun.
  • Repeal Protections Against Civil Liability; currently here in Georgia if you use justifiable force in a self-defense situation you are immune from being sued in civil court. This would change all of that, meaning that the same thug who attacked you on the street could attack you again, in civil court, bankrupting you even if you win!

Over the years, I have heard from a lot of gun owners who said that gun control laws wouldn’t really affect them because they live in a rural county and their sheriff is pro-gun.

Sadly, that’s not going to work anymore if HB-842 passes.

That’s because the final provision of this bill would require our local county prosecutors to send ALL self-defense cases that they don’t prosecute to the GBI and Attorney General’s office — to give them the chance to come after you!

Do I expect problems from current Attorney General Carr?

No. But that’s not the point.

Georgia’s statewide elections are trending in a dangerous direction. We all know that. Look at who our US Senators are.

We can’t just think about our current Attorney General. We need to think about what a future hostile Attorney General could do.

If this section of HB-842 passes, then it won’t matter if you live in a conservative county like Bartow, Clinch, Emanuel or somewhere else — because local officials would no longer have the final say on charging you or not! 

This is exactly what Michelle Au and the Left wants.

Their goal is to destroy Stand-Your-Ground law, destroy the authority of local prosecutors, and throw gun owners in jail for the crime of self-defense!

And, in our first 10 days in Atlanta, we’re hearing that a handful of RINO-Republicans are considering backing this bill!

It wouldn’t be the first time.

So please sign the petition we have prepared for you, so your State Representative and State Senator know that you are 100% opposed to ANY attempt to repeal Stand-Your-Ground law! 

After you sign your petition, you’ll be given the chance to make a donation to help us fight back.

GGO is preparing a massive mobilization program, with the goal of sending 250,000 calls, emails, and petitions opposing HB-842 into the legislature in the next three weeks!

To do this, we’ll be using a couple of different tools.

First is our texting program. Our cutting edge system allows us to put alerts right onto the phones of over 100,000 gun owners in less than a day!

Second is our email program. Our program allows gun owners to send pre-written emails directly to their lawmakers. It’s potent. But we need to scale up this program. Fast!

Third is our digital advertising. While I despise Facebook, there is no cheaper way for me to alert 100,000 (or more) gun owners about what’s going on than by running digital ads on Facebook and social media platforms.

Fourth is our direct mail program. While letters like the one you are reading may seem old fashioned, the truth is that Big Tech can’t censor the mail. And nothing generates waves of signed petitions faster than a massive direct mail program.

As you can see, our program is ready to go.

And it’s guaranteed to crank up the heat on vulnerable politicians in Atlanta — if we can afford to put it into place!

That’s why I hope you’ll include a donation of $100 or maybe even $250, to make sure that we have the ammo we need to defend our Stand-Your-Ground law.

I know that’s asking a lot.

But with the support that Georgia Carry is giving the gun control crowd in Atlanta, things are very precarious right now!

So if $100 is not possible, I hope that you’ll consider sending at least $75, $50, $25 or at least $17.76!

Georgia has been at a crossroads for some time now.

And I’m afraid that if we don’t GET LOUD really fast, we are going to see gun control bills begin to move here in Atlanta. And once that happens, it won’t stop!

So take action today and help us hold the line!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners

P.S. The gun-grabbers just filed HB-842, legislation that would repeal Georgia’s Stand-Your-Ground law while allowing Georgians to be imprisoned for the ‘crime’ of self-defense!

And with Georgia Carry aiding the gun-grabbers — endorsing other gun control bills — things are unraveling fast.

Help us hold the line and save Stand-Your-Ground law by signing your petition today!

And once you’re done, please make a donation of $100, $75, $50 or at least $25 so GGO can mobilize an army of gun owners to oppose this bill!