Urgent: Your 2023 GGO Membership is Expiring!

Urgent: Your 2023 GGO Membership is Expiring!

I hope that as you read this email, you’re enjoying a New Year’s Eve celebration with your friends and family as we wind down 2023 and get ready for 2024! But while you’re celebrating and thinking ahead to your future, don’t forget that the enemies to our freedoms are...
White House: “states must lead the way on gun control.”

White House: “states must lead the way on gun control.”

When gun owners like you and me think about gun control, images of Joe Biden, Obama or even Dianne Feinstein come to mind. In other words, a lot of gun owners tend to think of gun-control as a federal issue, and that way of thinking isn’t totally wrong. After all,...
Details on Biden’s National Gun Registry!

Details on Biden’s National Gun Registry!

My wife and I have seven children. Our oldest, Lucas, will be turning eighteen in just a few weeks. As you’d expect, he’s a huge fan of the Second Amendment and he cares deeply about preserving it for his generation.  Ensuring that he can still buy an AR-15 is a major...
Video Report: Shot Four Times, and He Just Walked Away!

Video Report: Shot Four Times, and He Just Walked Away!

Some people have difficult neighbors. But some people have neighbors who drag them into gunfights. In this video, we look at two men in rural Indiana who got involved in a gunfight over a property dispute. We break down what happened, who we think is responsible, and...
The ATF Director Said What?

The ATF Director Said What?

Did you hear what ATF Director Steve Dettelbach admitted at a recent committee hearing? You’ll be shocked by what you see and hear in this 45 second clip! The head of the agency that wants to terrorize law abiding gun owners can’t even define what guns they want...
Breaking: SCOTUS to Consider Major Gun Rights Case!

Breaking: SCOTUS to Consider Major Gun Rights Case!

For decades now, the Lautenberg Amendment has been held up by the Left as justification for disarming gun owners for non-felony crimes. With Lautenberg in place (which bans people with domestic violence convictions or domestic violence protective orders from...