Casey Cagle Lying About Constitutional Carry

Dear Georgia Gun Owner,

Casey Cagle has gone too far, this time taking credit on the campaign trail for something he never did.

Ever since our GGO Candidate Survey Program concluded a few weeks ago, I vowed to let Brian Kemp and Cagle battle it out on the Second Amendment in the lead up to the July 24 run-off . . .

That is, unless one of the candidates said or did something dishonest related to their stance on Second Amendment issues.

Today I’ve been bombarded with texts from people saying Cagle is telling voters that he “fought for Constitutional Carry”.

In fact, he’s sending this flyer all over the state saying exactly that.

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This claim by Cagle has ZERO basis in truth.

In my eight legislative sessions working the halls of the State Capitol in Atlanta, I can tell you that Casey Cagle has never lifted a finger for Constitutional Carry.

And when there was a chance for a vote on Constitutional Carry on the floor of the Senate in 2017, he didn’t allow it to come up for a vote.

Here’s the video:

You’ve seen over the last few months how hard our members and supporters worked to get ALL candidates running for governor of Georgia on the record on Constitutional Carry and a host of other gun issues.

That’s why I had to write this email to you tonight.

Casey Cagle has never fought for Constitutional Carry.

He’s never called for, supported legislation, or allowed a vote on Constitutional Carry during his time in the Senate.

And he’s never asked for a meeting to discuss the issue.

The only time he’s ever uttered the words “Constitutional Carry” have been in the last few months after GGO members and supporters put massive heat on him, and I confronted him insisting he return his survey.

If you need a reminder about all the work it took to get him on the record, please click below . . .

Left-wing gun grabber Stacey Abrams is licking her chops, hoping she can separate the Republican candidate who emerges on July 24th from conservative, Second Amendment voters.

I’m afraid Cagle’s dishonesty about “Constitutional Carry” could do just that.

For freedom,

Patrick Parsons
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners