Fwd: ABOLISH the ATF Vote in September?

I wanted to send you a quick note from our national affiliate, the American Firearms Association.

As you’ll read below, AFA is working with Congressman Matt Gaetz and others to get a floor vote on H.R. 375, their legislation to abolish the ATF forever!

The fact that no other national gun rights organization has ever fought for this is unforgivable to me. But AFA is making headway and there may be a vote on this legislation this month!

And Gaetz is not alone.

Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Eric Burlison (R-MO), Mary Miller (R-IL), Mike Collins (R-GA), Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and many other members of Congress have cosponsored H.R. 374!

But Georgia’s ‘pro-gun Republicans’ have been dead silent on this.

That’s right, Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Buddy Carter, Rich McCormick, Andre Clyde, Barry Loudermilk, Austin Scott, Frew Ferguson and Rick Allen have not co-sponsored this bill.

Gun owners deserve better, especially here in Georgia.

So please sign your petition in support of H.R. 374 immediately, so your Representative understands that you want their name listed as a co-sponsor on this bill NOW!

Read the full email from AFA below and then make a critical donation so that we can put pressure on Georgia’s Congressional delegation!

Chip in $17.76 today!

— Aaron

Dear Gun Owner —

Never before in the history of Congress has a gun rights organization worked to ABOLISH THE ATF . . .

Until the American Firearms Association came on to the scene.

Imagine that, for decades, other gun rights groups asked for your money and said they’re fighting for your rights in Washington, but never bothered to write an ABOLISH THE ATF bill and have it introduced?

That’s scandalous in my book.

Now that AFA is on the scene, EVERYBODY in the gun rights world is talking about Abolishing the ATF.

If a Republican candidate for Congress is asked the question if they support ABOLISHING THE ATF, and say NO, they get roasted by their constituents.

We’ve set the bar and we intend to hold it there until it gets done.

As you know, we’re working closely with lead ABOLISH THE ATF sponsor Matt Gaetz to push Congress to get rid of the ATF entirely.

When Congress returns to Washington next week, we expect a major battle over ATF funding and we’re asking ALL of our supporters to hammer your Congressman again with grassroots pressure!

Even if you’ve signed before, Congress has been out for five weeks now, and they need to hear you loud and clear AGAIN!

Please sign the official petition to pass Congressman Matt Gaetz’s ABOLISH THE ATF ACT!

After you’ve signed your petition, please chip in a donation of $10 or $20 to help fund our ad campaign running right now urging grassroots 2A supporters to support ABOLISH THE ATF!

For America,


Patrick Parsons, Executive Vice President

American Firearms Association