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Reject the Left’s Bogus Safe Storage Laws!

The Left’s latest attack on our gun rights are ‘safe storage’ laws. Joe Biden has an entire working group in DC that focuses on pushing these bills at the state level. Here in ATL, there are three versions of these bills. Some from Democrats. Some from Republicans.

Some of these bills, like HB-161, force us to lock up our guns virtually all the time.

Some of these bills, like HB-855, would bribe us into adding our name to a defacto gun registry.

Other versions, like HB-971, seem to placate the Left and give them about 75% of what they want in an act of political appeasement that will only hurt gun owners and pro-gun legislators.

The bottom line is simple: the Left has declared war on our gun rights and our pro-gun majorities should be fighting like hell for gun owners, not making any deals with the Left!

Make sure they hear from you!

Please send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Senator and State Representative telling them to oppose HB-161, HB-855, HB-971 or any other bill that restricts or weakens my gun rights. Instead, tell them to pass pro-gun bills like HB-1009.

And when you’re done, please make a donation of $100, $50, $25 or just $17.76 so that GGO can mobilize as many gun owners as possible to help us crush this legislation!