Tell Your State Senator to VOTE YES on Constitutional Carry!

Constitutional Carry law (HB-1358) has passed through countless committees and votes in the Senate and now it’s going for a final vote in the Georgia State Senate. This legislation will allow Georgians to carry a firearm for self-defense without having to pay fees or add their name to a government database first!

Twenty-four states across the country have already passed Constitutional Carry, and it’s time that Georgia does, too!

We’re so close to putting this legislation on the books, but Michael Bloomberg will not give up, and is doing everything he can to convince Democrats and RINOs in the House to kill the bill.

So please send your State Senator your PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL today using our automated system, and insist that he votes yes on Constitutional Carry for Georgia!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of Georgia Gun Owners so that we can keep fighting for you in Atlanta! Get involved at!